At the Agrincontri, dinner attempts to recreate and conserve ancient recipes.
The secret lies in using genuine fresh produce and, of course, having the company of good friends so that you can supplement your stomach as well as your mind.

The family-run kitchen uses only home-made products taken from our vegetable-garden and farm.

The wine comes from a little family vineyard, which uses Sangiovese Cabernet Sauvignon grapes of a family called Busti di S. Elena from Marsciano (a little market town 15km away).

The pork and cheese is bought from local producers, bovine meat from franers in Chianina, whilst the seasonal fruit and vegetables comes from other nearby producers.
Our menù is therefore extremely simple, a result of traditional rural cooking, inspired by products which come directly from the fields.

As starters you will find ham, cold deer slices, cold wild boar meat, Umbrian pecorino cheese, pork and game, sausages grain and tomato salads, different types of bruschetta, Italian-style toad-in-the hole, cold meats, bacon with tomatoes and basil, focaccine pizza and pizzas cooked in wooden ovens.

First Course
The first course usually consists of fresh pasta. There are typical ragù sauces, pappardelle pasta with boar, rabbit or pheasant sauces, cherry tomato sauces, spicy sauces, truffle and mushroom based sauces. All have typical ingredients, such as vegetables, ricotta cheese and peppes, thrown in. Soups are not lacking: ribollita soup, acquacotta soup, povera soup. And during winter, there is also polenta with many diverse sauces and, in addition, frequently on Sundays lasagne or ravioli is served..

Main Dishes
As main dishes meat predominates. From guinea fowl to wild boar, without forgetting veal, beef, pork, chicken, deer and others, there are numerous techniques used to cook and prepare the dish. Stews, roasts, grills, rolls or delicate sauces composed of local ingredients such as truffle, olives and herbs are offered.
For those wishing to take home a tasty souvenir of their stay at Agrincontri, it is possible to buy packs of different varieties of honey, jams, pickles (artichokes, aubergines, mushrooms), dried mushrooms, dried tomatoes, cereals, extra virgin olive oil, wines , meats (deer, deer, mouflon, wild boar) and various sausages. All naturally prepared according to tradition, often directly in the company or by carefully selected local artisans for their processing as close to the traditional one. Of course, you can’t buy it without first having carefully tasted everything…